Industrial solutions
Active energy management
The industry is in the midst of the energy transition and is confronted with a wide range of challenges of a technical, economic, political and organizational nature. We will accompany you through this transformation process from the very beginning as a loyal partner at your side.
We help you to actively reduce your energy costs so that you can continue to produce competitively at an international level.
We also secure your energy supply, as renewable energies such as wind and solar energy are weather-dependent and fluctuate greatly. For industrial companies that require a continuous and reliable energy supply, ensuring a constant energy supply is a major challenge. We have the right technologies to meet this challenge, both in terms of energy quantity and energy quality.
CNC machines
Anlage mit DC-Zwischenkreis (560-850 V DC)
Servo presses
Einsparung durch Reduktion der Anschlussleistung, durch Spitzenlastmanagement.