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Innovative Energy Storage

An active energy management offers numerous growth opportunities for your business. Our innovative high-power energy storage allows an efficient and active energy management. The Gerotor HPS was developed on the basis of state-of-the-art flywheel storage technology and increases the efficiency of single machines as well as machine plants through recuperation, peak shaving and data mining. We provide a holistic solution to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

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170830 OCP UA

Teamwork with OPC UA

Companies set the foundations for smart manufacturing through frictionless and secure networks. We add value to this process through simple, standardized and secure connectivity across all levels (regardless of manufacturer and platform). Data analysis in real-time allows plants to become intelligent and enables significant efficiency increases in production. Unlimited networking simplifies control and monitoring processes.

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Know what to do - at the right time

Gathering of relevant data is of the highest priority for your company and future business models. We help you to realize the full potential of your plants and reduce operating costs at the same time. A continuous monitoring of machine data (MDE) and precise preventive maintenance helps you to increase the overall plant efficiency (OEE).

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170817 Monitor Interface

Make targeted decisions

We help you to manage energy properly and reduce energy costs as well as pollutive emissions. The Grotor HPS provides the greatest possible flexibility in order for you to make informed decisions (KPI) and keep a close watch on your machines. Our goal is to transform energy management into your competitive advantage and by doing so, actively support climate protection.

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Climate protection in line with profitability!
'The cheapest and most environmentally friendly kilowatt-hour is the one you don't use' - The Federal Government
Protect the environment
walter Kunerth Portrait MM 199830082017
Leading Edge Technology!
``Gerotor has extensive expertise and all the prerequisites needed to become the 'Hidden Champion for Energy Efficiency in the global industry.``
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Kunerth
Former Member of the Executive Board of Siemens AG
Make energy consumption your competitive advantage! Learn how we can help you!
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Industry 4.0

Transparency is the basis for efficient operations! Get your machines and companies ready for an active energy management. Rising energy prices, tightened environmental requirements and an environmentally conscious production encourages you to act now. We have the right solutions!